An example of MLE giving poor estimate

Just came across this probability puzzle and try it on GPT, it uses MLE to solve it and gives a very poor estimate. The question goes like this

A bus company with bus route number starting from 1,2,\cdots,N. Say we came across one bus with the number 60. What is a good estimate of the number of bus routes N.

If we use maximum likelihood estimation, we can consider maximizing

p(O=60|N)=\frac{1}{N} assuming that the distribution is uniform

Since the observation O is 60, N has to be at least 60. Maximizing p(O=60|N) gives us 60.

This of course is a very bad estimate, intuitively, the chance of coming across the bus with the largest bus number is rather unlikely. And considering the uniform distribution, it is reasonable to assume that we come across the average N/2 instead. Consequently, since there are 59 numbers below 60, we expect N=60+59=119.

A similar trick can be used in a more complex case. Assume that instead of observing one bus, we observe 5 buses and the largest number among all is 60. What will be a good estimate of N now?

Since 60/5=12, we can consider the five numbers are uniformly spread to 12, 24, 36, 48, and 60. And thus N should be 60+11=71. This is a quick estimate but is actually quite good. When N=71, the average of the largest among 5 buses is actually 59.66, which can be estimated by the Lea code below

import lea



For arbitrary number of buses, we can compute the average with the function below

def average_max(N,d):
    for n in range(1,N+1):
    return T/(N**d)

where the code is quite easy to verify noting that the prob of getting max equal to n for d buses is \frac{n^d - (n-1)^d}{N^d}.

Faculty Position Openings

Three Faculty Positions in Data Science: Human-Computer Teaming and  Interactive Decision Making; Artificial Intelligence Architectures; and Trustable  Artificial Intelligence at the University of Oklahoma, Norman Campus 

Positions Available: As part of a multiyear effort to grow world-class data science and data enabled research across The University of Oklahoma (OU), the Gallogly College of Engineering  (GCoE), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and/or Department of Computer  Science, in partnership with the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), welcomes  applications for a cluster of three (3) faculty positions from candidates whose experiences and  interests have prepared them to be an integral contributor engaged in scientific discovery,  developing talent, solving global challenges, and serving our society. This year we are focusing  on data science foundational and enabling technologies. In subsequent years, we’ll be hiring  additional data science and data-enabled research faculty.  

The University, as part of its Lead On, University strategic plan has committed to creating world class capabilities in data science, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and data enabled research. In July 2020, the University established the Data Institute for Societal  Challenges (DISC) to grow convergent data-enabled research to solve global challenges. DISC  currently has over 130 faculty members across OU campuses, nine communities of practice, seed  funding programs, and an extended network of approximately 300 data scientists and data enabled researchers across many disciplines ( 

Three positions: 

1) Professor or Associate Professor in Human-Computer Teaming and Interactive  Decision Making: Humans and computers have complementary knowledge and skillsets.  To solve challenging problems, we need to team this expertise together for effectiveness,  reliability, efficiency, and adoption of many data-driven solutions. This area is cross 

disciplinary, and we seek a senior faculty member with expertise in one or more of human computer teaming, visualization, visual analytics, human-machine interaction, decision  theory, HCI, human factors and industrial engineering, or cognitive psychology. This  faculty member will be a vital core team member in data science and data-driven decision  making with a home department in ECE and possible joint appoint in ISE, Computer  Science, Psychology, and/or Political Science. 

Applications should be submitted online via Interfolio at Inquires can be addressed to Professor David Ebert,  chair of the search committee at  

2) Assistant Professor in AI Architectures: We seek to recruit a transdisciplinary faculty  member with expertise in one or more of the following areas: scalable, high-performance  software and hardware architectures for AI and advanced analytics, advanced and  domain-tailored data science, AI (trustable, science-based, and human-guided), and  human-computer teaming. Specific areas of interest include probabilistic, neuromorphic,  and novel architectures, software pipelines and operating system architectures to support  high-performance analytics, and enable real-time trustable AI and decision-making.  Since  traditional computing architectures are still based on solving problems from the 20th  century, new computing hardware and software architectures are needed to optimize  computing for AI and machine learning and many new approaches to science and  engineering. This faculty member will grow and complement work in computer  engineering, computer science and the new OU quantum center (CQRT) with a home  department in ECE and possible joint appointments where appropriate.

Applications should be submitted online via Interfolio at  Inquires can be addressed to Professor David Ebert,  chair of the search committee at  

3) Assistant Professor in Trustable AI. We are seeking an Assistant Professor in Trustable  AI. Human-guided, science-based, explainable AI (xAI) are key areas to ensure AI is  understandable, reliable, and robust for real-world applications. This faculty member will  grow our expertise in one of the most rapidly developing and vital fields of data science,  with a primary home in ECE and potentially joint appointments in CS, Psychology, and  ISE. We seek a faculty member with expertise in one or more of science-based AI or  machine learning (ML), human-guided AI/ML, explainable AI/ML, and closely related  topics.  This faculty member will be a vital core team member in data science, AI, and  data-driven convergent research solutions to global challenges. This faculty member will  provide vital capabilities that will empower research in all four strategic verticals and grow  the data science ecosystem on campus to create the critical mass in data science needed  for the success of the university’s strategic plan, Lead On, University. 

Applications should be submitted online via Interfolio at  Inquires can be addressed to Professor David Ebert,  chair of the search committee at  

Gallogly College of Engineering:  The mission of the GCOE is to foster creativity, innovation and  professionalism through dynamic research, development and learning experiences.   

The Gallogly College of Engineering is home to the Data Science and Analytics Institute  ( The DSAI provides undergraduate and graduate certificates,  Master’s degrees, and PhD degrees in data science and analytics as well as offering workforce  upskilling to industry partners. Faculty members in GCoE and across campus participate in the  DSAI.  

The University of Oklahoma:  OU is a Carnegie-R1 comprehensive public research university  known for excellence in teaching, research, and community engagement, serving the educational,  cultural, economic and healthcare needs of the state, region, and nation from three campuses:  Norman, Health Sciences Center in Oklahoma City and the Schusterman Center in Tulsa. OU  enrolls over 30,000 students and has more than 2700 full-time faculty members in 21 colleges.   

Norman is a vibrant university town of around 113,000 inhabitants with a growing entertainment  and art scene. With outstanding schools, amenities, and a low cost of living, Norman is a perennial  contender on “best place to live” rankings.  

Visit and for more information. Within an easy  commute, Oklahoma City features a dynamic economy and outstanding cultural venues adding to  the region’s growing appeal.  


Successful candidates must have the interest and ability to contribute significantly to the  advancement of these fields and develop a nationally recognized program of sponsored research;  teach at both the undergraduate and graduate levels; supervise graduate students and  postdoctoral fellows. A Ph.D. in computer science, engineering, or related discipline is required. 

Application Instructions 

Confidential review of applications will begin October 1, 2022. Candidates are invited to submit a 

letter of interest, names of three references who will be contacted only upon approval from the  applicant, curriculum vitae, and brief (~2-3 pages) statements of interest regarding 1) research, 2)  teaching, and 3) service. The research statement should summarize your prior contributions to  research and your goals for developing a research program at OU. The teaching statement should  summarize past instructional and mentorship experiences, and plans/goals for teaching at OU  (including existing and proposed courses) and advising a varied cohort of undergraduate and  graduate students. The service statement should describe your vision for internal service to the  academic unit, the College and the University, and for external service to our scientific community  and other stakeholders. Candidates are requested to submit their applications to the appropriate position listed above and inquiries should be directed to the search committee chairs, also listed  above. 

Inquiries should be directed to the search committee chair: 

Dr. David S. Ebert, Gallogly Chair Professor 

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and School of Computer Science Associate Vice President of Research and Partnerships 

Director, Data institute for Societal Challenges  

University of Oklahoma 


Equal Employment Opportunity Statement  

The University of Oklahoma, in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and  regulations does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual  orientation, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, age, religion, disability,  political beliefs, or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices, or procedures. This includes,  but is not limited to:  admissions, employment, financial aid, housing, services in educational  programs or activities, or health care services that the University operates or provides.  

Diversity Statement   

 The University of Oklahoma is committed to achieving a diverse, equitable and inclusive university  community by recognizing each person’s unique contributions, background, and perspectives. The  University of Oklahoma strives to cultivate a sense of belonging and emotional support for all,  recognizing that fostering an inclusive environment for all is vital in the pursuit of academic and  inclusive excellence in all aspects of our institutional mission.  

Mission of the University of Oklahoma 

The Mission of the University of Oklahoma is to provide the best possible educational  experience for our students through excellence in teaching, research and creative activity,  and service to the state and society.

Copyright OU-Tulsa Lab of Image and Information Processing 2025
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